
Certain dreams have the power to put you in a state of bliss. People believe and studies have proven that what you see in your dream is your unconscious state of mind. Dreams can be beautiful as well as appalling. Some dreams can be inspiring but only a couple of them can make you chuckleContinue reading “Dreams”

#Self Musings_8

Will a person ever know how much they are being thought of randomly? Obliviousness in its beauty, perhaps? I wonder..! Wish more people wore their heart on their sleeves. The world would be a happier place then. Happiness is the need of the hour, agree to disagree? Stay happy folks!

Close knits

Sometimes my mind travels faster than the speed of a train. Strange but can’t help, that’s how we humans are designed, I suppose! It doesn’t matter whether you know your best pals’ likes and dislikes, what’s his/her favourites or preferences. Our choices may vary over time as we grow and move places. All those thingsContinue reading “Close knits”